First Day Information

What To Bring:

  • THREE towels
  • TWO swim diapers for any child that is not fully toilet trained for 6+ months
  • ONE positive attitude!

What To Remember:

  • Your child should not have anything to eat or drink for a minimum of two hours before lessons.

What To Expect:

The first day, we have a lot of information to talk through.

The first lesson will likely be very short. I will begin to try to establish a rapport with your child. 
We will look to establish how to hold their breath, and infants will get started learning their back float.

 Your child may be upset on the first day, second day, third week... I want to make you aware of this because it is hard for any of us to see our children upset. Please remember these emotions do not mean they are "fearful". Crying can mean anxiety of trying something new. We are all a little nervous when we attempt a new skill. Then as our skill begins to increase and it can meet the challenges at hand, we begin to enjoy the experience. My goal is to set every child up for success as often as possible throughout lessons so that they can build confidence as quickly as possible. In most cases, the emotion will reduce within the first couple weeks.

As the parent, you are the best cheerleader your child could ask for. Smile at your child and praise them for their hard work and efforts! Always keep the conversation positive and focused on what they're learning to do.

After the lesson, I will hand your child out of the pool, laying them on their left side. Please lay two of the towels down on the deck. I will place your child on top of them. Use the 3rd towel to cover and dry your child. Allow them to lay there for a few minutes before getting up.

Above all else, please remember that I am here to answer any questions you may have. I want you to be comfortable every step of the way. Your children will sense your emotions and we want them to become confident and enthusiastic. These are also my goals for you as my ISR parents. Please know that I do understand that the early days of lessons are tough as you and your child get to know and trust me, and your child learns to engage the water in a different way than they have previously experienced. I was once an ISR parent myself, so I do understand your emotions. Be confident in your child and in me as the instructor, and you will be amazed at what we will accomplish! 

See you poolside!
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