Frequently Asked Questions

  • I hear you say your priority is survival skills. Will my child actually learn how to swim?

    Yes. At ISR Self-Rescue, we believe that part of survival for a child who can walk is swimming. Children learn the swim-float-swim sequence so that they could get themselves to safety. The difference in our program is that they will learn swimming AND survival skills and how to be an aquatic problem solver.

  • What is the retention rate with ISR lessons?

    ISR Self-Rescue claims a retention rate of 94%-100% for up to one year following lessons.

    It’s important to remember that ISR Self-Rescue kills are a sensorimotor skill, just like crawling, walking, or riding a bike. The less you use these skills the rustier they get, but that doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten them. Children will explore and may pick up bad habits watching other children or with interference like floating in a bathtub or playing on the steps. This is why Refresher and Maintenance lessons are important and encouraged, as they help keep their skills sharp and active.


  • Why are lessons 5 days per week?

    ISR Self-Rescue skills are developed just like any other sensorimotor skill. When learning to walk, crawl, or even ride a bike it’s the practice and repetition that makes for success. Repetition and consistency are crucial elements of learning for young children. Research shows that short, more frequent lessons result in higher retention.  

    Practicing ISR Self-Rescue skills on a consistent basis allows for muscle memory to form. Muscle memory is what allows your child to Self-Rescue as soon as they hit the water.

  • Why are lessons only 10 minutes?

    Our number one reason is always safety. Lessons are mentally and physically demanding for little ones and we never want to fatigue or exhaust them. For their little bodies this can be quite the workout, so we make sure to limit that time. Most children have fairly short attention spans and will not be able to focus on the task for longer and we want to take advantage of the best time for learning.

  • Why does it take 4-6 weeks for my child to learn this?

    The 4-6 weeks is an estimate that is based on the average time in which it takes most children to learn these survival skills. Every child is unique and ISR’s Self-Rescue program is specifically designed based on your child’s individual strengths and needs.  

    Generally, infants under 12 months learning to rollback and float need about 4-5 weeks, whereas children 12 to 24 months need about 6 weeks to master the swim-float-swim sequence. Children 2-1/2 to age 6 generally need about 4-5 weeks to master the swim-float-swim sequence.  

    It is important to realize that this is an average, which means that some children will actually finish more quickly while others will need more practice.  ISR Self-Rescue is dedicated to safety and, therefore, we want to provide your child with the time and best opportunity to become proficient in his/her survival skills.  We will always honor your child’s needs.

  • Why do you have children swim in clothes?

    Did you know 83% of children who drown are fully clothed at the time? 

    This is why during the final week of lessons, while under the watchful eye of an instructor, each of our students have the opportunity to practice their self-rescue skills in their clothes.  If a child has experienced the sensations of being in the water in clothing prior to an emergency situation, he/she is less likely to experience panic and be able to focus on the task at hand. Wet clothing, soaked diapers, and accessories can add a significant amount of weight to the already small frame and stature of a child-  we don't want the student experiencing these changes for the first time alone in the event of an emergency.  

    Two lessons will be in clothing, one day summer and one day winter. Drowning knows no season, let's prepare our children the best way we can!

  • How is ISR different than traditional swim lessons?

    ISR is the product of over 50+ years of ongoing research. Rather than blow bubbles and sing songs, our primary focus is to make sure each student can SURVIVE in the water and be an aquatic problem solver. We give them real life situations, like using their skills in full clothing, to make sure they are prepared for an aquatic emergency. Our goal is to always do what is safest for each child and what is best for their survival.

  • Why does ISR need my child's medical information?

    The medical registration ($105) allows our medical team to review each student before they start lessons. Our Registration Evaluation Team (RET) must approve each student prior to the start date. This allows ISR to work together with their Instructors to provide the safest lesson for each student.

    Infant Swimming Resource, LLC ("ISR") complies with all federal and state laws and regulations and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion or disability. It is the policy of ISR to provide reasonable accommodations to its disabled applicants and students, with the provision of appropriate documentation of the need for the accommodation.

    ISR’s mission of “Not One More Child Drowns” pertains to EVERY child. It’s our job to not only provide EVERY child with ISR Self-Rescue® skills, but to provide those skills safely and adequately for each child.

  • What is the AAP’s position on swimming lessons for young children?

    In May of 2010, the AAP changed its policy regarding the age at which children may start swimming lessons, based on research stating that swim lessons may actually provide reduction in drowning risk of children ages 1-4 years old.  

    That study, “Association Between Swimming Lessons and Childhood Drowning” by Brenner, published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, March, 2009, was the first study to probe the relationship between drowning reduction and swimming skills. The study concluded that participation in formal swimming lessons was associated with an 88% reduction in the risk of drowning in children ages 1-4 years old.

    The AAP encourages parents to consider that starting water survival skills training at an early age must be individualized, based on the child's frequency of exposure to water, emotional maturity, physical limitations and health concerns related to swimming pools.

  • Will my child fear the water because of lessons?

    There is an important difference between being fearful and being apprehensive because you are not yet skilled in a new environment. ISR is not like traditional swim lessons. It is a drowning prevention program that teaches survival swimming. Sometimes as a parent, you make choices for your child’s safety, like sitting in a car seat, because you know they are important. The same can be said for ISR.

    Once competent in their skills, many children cannot be dragged away from the pool. They are having entirely too much fun.

  • Will my child cry during lessons?

    For most children crying is developmentally appropriate and their only way of communicating. Typically once your child gains the confidence in their new skills the crying diminishes. Instructors are use to this behavior so don't be concerned about tears interfering with lessons.

    Learning new skills, with a new person, in a new environment; honestly who wouldn’t be upset at first? The cry we hear oftentimes in the water is the same cry you get when you take away a toy, don’t let them eat dirt, or even put them in their car seat. It’s a protest and their way of saying they aren’t happy to be here. Remember this is their way of communicating with us since most children are not yet verbal.

    We like to tell parents/guardians that if you can make if through the first couple of weeks, it gets easier. Remember everyday at lessons is another day of building in-water confidence and another day closer to your child being fully skilled. You got this!

  • What qualifies a Certified ISR Instructor?

    Each Instructor has gone through multiple interviews with the ISR team before accepted into training. Each ISR Instructor has spent a minimum of 6-8 weeks in the water working beside a Master Instructor and/or Senior Master Instructor, gradually taking more and more responsibility for each child’s lesson.

    Each Instructor is also required to maintain certifications in First Aid and CPR for Healthcare Providers. In addition, each Instructor is required to attend the ISR National Re-certification Conference each year for continuing education about every facet of ISR, as well as quality control and quality assurance.

  • Is ISR safe for infants and young children?

    Yes! ISR is dedicated to safety, and maintaining numerous safety protocols to promote safe lessons. Your child’s health and well-being are closely monitored on a daily basis. In addition, your child’s medical and developmental history is a mandatory part of the ISR national registration process, all of which is held strictly confidential.

    All ISR Instructors undergo an intensive and rigorous training program that far exceeds any other training program of this kind. Each ISR Instructor is also required to attend yearly conferences, and undergo an extensive re-certification process. Your education in the area of aquatic safety for your entire family is an integral part of your child’s lessons, as well.

    Consider these additional points:

    • No child is ever thrown into the pool.
    • A child is never submerged for more than seven (7) seconds.
    • ISR Instructors monitor your child for temperature and muscular fatigue, as well as physical and psychological well-being.
    • Your child’s daily routines outside of ISR lessons hold valuable data for your instructor. You will receive instruction on how to communicate this information to your instructor. (daily BUDS review)



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