Self-rescue swimming lessons for infants, toddlers, and children ages 6 months to 6 years.
What is ISR?
Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) is the global leader in the industry it pioneered: survival swimming lessons for infants, toddlers and young children ages 6 months to 6 years. Our team of nearly 450 highly trained ISR Instructors provides the safest and most effective survival swimming lessons available. The ISR Self-Rescue instruction our students receive today is the product of over 53 years of research and achieves unparalleled results.
Today, our mission, “Not One More Child Drowns,” is the foundation of everything we do and is the driving force behind ISR’s employees, our independent ISR Instructors, and our major corporate partnerships. We believe the successful prevention of the leading cause of accidental death for children under the age of 4 in the U.S. will require a large group of caring and capable professionals whose sole focus is to save lives. To date, we have delivered more than 8,000,000 ISR Self-Rescue lessons and saved more than 800 lives.
ISR believes pool fences, supervision, and pool alarms are important parts of a necessary multi-layered approach to drowning prevention. However, traditional lines of defense break down, and the over 4,000 drowning deaths per year bear a grim testament to the fact that traditional approaches are missing a key component: the child. ISR’s core conviction is that the child is the most important part of a drowning prevention strategy and our over 300,000 ISR graduates and 800 documented survival stories are proof that children can save themselves. Children are curious, capable, and have an uncanny ability to overcome obstacles like pool fences; at ISR we take that ability and teach them skills to potentially save themselves if they find themselves in the water alone.
Hi, I am Brittnie Elizondo and I am your Certified ISR Instructor at Swim Safe North Port ISR. I am a 30 year old married mother of one rambunctious toddler boy and one loud Yorkie! I left my career as a Medical Billing Specialist when my son was born and decided to stay home with him.
When he was just over one year old, I started my research on swimming programs. I stumbled across ISR and was immediately intrigued on what these babies were learning to do! I wanted my son to learn that, too! Luckily, there was an ISR Instructor near us and I signed him up.
Watching my son in lessons sparked my interest to become an Instructor. I let the idea go for a while, but tragically a 2 year old boy drowned in his backyard pool a block over in our neighborhood. It was then that I decided to join ISR's mission and see to it that "Not One More Child Drowns". Together we can change the statistics!
I look forward to meeting you and your family and equipping your child(ren) with another layer of protection around water.
Lesson Structure
Your child will learn to swim with Swim Safe North Port using the proven safety-focused ISR lesson program.
Get answers to some of the most common questions related to swimming lessons for infants and small children.
Lesson fees and scheduling
Find out about our registration process, flexible lesson fees and scheduling.
First day information
Know how to prepare for your child’s first lesson and what to bring.